
Ensemble learner for delayed-entry survival prediction and stratification with high-dimensional data. Developed with multiple machine learning algorithms, multi-threading functionality and interactive components for exploration

OncoCast R package

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Please find all the package’s resources on it’s github repository.

An Ensemble Learning Approach for Outcome Prediction in Precision Oncology Setting

Ensemble learner framework for survival outcome prediction and stratification for high dimension data. Originally developed for cancer genomics with delayed entry in the risk set in mind, and thus can adjust for left-truncation. OncoCast enables users to easily perform one or multiple machine learning survival analyses at once and explore and visualize the resulting output.

Installing OncoCast

OncoCast has some dependencies that will be installed if they are not found in your library. When installing from github a prompt in the console may ask if you want to install the binaries for curl v4.0 instead of 3.3. There is no need to update it for the package to work properly.


If you wish to use the development version of the package please use:

remotes::install_github("AxelitoMartin/OncoCast", ref = "development")

Using OncoCast

We recommend users to walk through the companion website to this package before their first use of the method. They will be guided through:

OncoCast Online

There exist a version of OncoCast completely web-based requiring no coding skills and minimal inputs to create and explore an ensemble model. It can be found through this online RShiny application. The user will only be asked to input the dataset they wish to study and the method they want to use to create the emsemble model.

Axel S. Martin
Axel S. Martin
Research Biostatistician

My research interests include high-dimensional time-to-event data prediction and stratification in cancer genomics, lately I have also developed an interest in causal inference and individualized treatment rules.